Zaproszenie na seminarium Instytutu Informatyki – 30 października 2024


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Instytut Informatyki serdecznie zaprasza na seminarium, które odbędzie się w środę, 30 października 2024 r. o godzinie 13:15 w sali 231.

W trakcie seminarium Prof. Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz wygłosi wykład pt. „The architecture of human mind, and non-von Neumann computer architecture”.

Abstrakt wykładu:
Structural plasticity in the brain (i.e. rewiring the connectome) may be viewed as mechanisms for dynamic reconfiguration of neural circuits. First order computations in the brain are done by static neural circuits, whereas higher order computations are done by dynamic reconfigurations of the links (synapses) between the neural circuits. Static neural circuits correspond to first order computable functions. Synapse creation (activation) between them corresponds to the mathematical notion of function composition. Functionals are higher order functions that take functions as their arguments. The construction of functionals is based on dynamic reconfigurations of function compositions. Perhaps the functionals correspond to rewiring mechanisms of the connectome. The architecture of human mind is different than the von Neumann computer architecture. Higher order computations in the human brain (based on functionals) may suggest a non-von Neumann computer architecture, a challenge posed by John Backus in 1977. The presented work is a substantial extension and revision of my paper presented at ISIT2024.

Słowa kluczowe: higher order computations, rewiring the connectome, non-von Neumann computer architecture

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